People may say you need to be a realist, and get your head out of the clouds. Well I do not want to be a realist, a pessimist or even a optimist. I want to be a Attractorist. You might ask what is an Attractorist.
An Attractorist is a person that attracts what they want into their life, they attract money, health, cars, homes, abundance or anything else they want to them. They know they create their life. They Know they can have, do and be anything they want in life.

-Chris Stevens

Become a Attractinator.
A Attractinator has one goal and that is to attract to them the life they want to live. They know they can have, do or be anything they want in life, there are no limits. They do not let anything or anyone stand in their way. They focus solely on their goal, and they refuse to quit until they accomplish their goals. They know what they want to have, do and be in life, and they get it.
So become a Attractinator

-Chris Stevens
Freedom is not knowing your limits, but realizing you have none. Freedom is what makes life worth living.

-Magazine Ad for Aston Martin DB9 Volante

All men die, but few men truly live

-Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.


Positive Affirmation

"All the positive forces of the Universe are on my side to create whatever I dare to summon. I am one with this Power, this Infinite Love, Infinite Supplier, Infinite Channel. I, through this Power, release all my experiences of lack, scarcity, unworthiness and pain. I, through this Power, know that the past has no power over me. This is a new day, I am a new person, living a new life, populated with wonderful people with abundantly prosperous circumstances. From this powerful place, I now am a vibrational match for $1,000,000 a month. I have a bountiful accounting system that easily and effortlessly tracks all my charts of accounts. I have the most prosperous tax shelters and investments plan to nurture my financial fortune.

I am a vibrational match for $1,000,000 a month because I choose to only allow massive well-being. I, therefore, stay in the place of already receiving $1,000,000 from all sources that is for my highest good and greatest joy. I now allow my Source Energy to create a vessel in my mind, spirit and heart to joyfully contain $1,000,000 a month.

This day forward, I literally expect $1,000,000 to come out of nowhere. I expect it, I look for it. I anticipate money from the North, the East, the South and the West. I am a money magnet. I am honoring all my values, living my passion, increasing my asset column and generating a net profit of $1,000,000 a month. Money is in my mail box, money is in my accounts, money comes to me from the North, the East, the South and the West. Money comes to me in rapid abundance, honoring myself and honoring others. I have the largest money vibration in this country."
-- Author Unknown

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
—Brian Tracy

The Science of Getting Rich

Download The Science of Getting Rich FREE

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Positive thoughts 2

Here something to think about most people have this statement backwards. "Believe it, and You will see it." Have you ever said "I`ll believe it when I see it" I know I have. We have it backward. Believe it in your mind, see it, speak it and it will happen. Speak, think, and speak only what you want. To your success!

Here is a very interesting quote to think about
"Anyone can be a genius if they pick one specific subject and study it diligently just 15 minutes each day"
Albert Einstein

"There is no better opportunity to
receive more than to be thankful for what you already have.
Thanksgiving opens the windows of opportunity for ideas to
flow your way."

--Zig Ziglar

"Sooner or later, those who win are those who
think they can." Richard Bach

I am an amazing creation of God--not because of what I do, but simply
because I am.

Nothing can obstruct the instant, constant, immediate flow of perfect
good and prosperity to me now.

I receive all of the benefits that you are sending my way today{Ps

I am powerful. I am free. I am loveable. I am worthy.

I turn knowledge into positive action and success comes my way.

God is my source and I commit everything to Him.

I am rooted in the soil of right action and I am getting better and better in
every way.

I enjoy helping people and I really make a difference.

I love myself. Therefore I make healthy choices in all aspects of my life.

I give myself 100% to life, to my relationships, to my joys and to all
of my plans and projects.

I have to do what is right for me, I empower myself.

The greatest gift I can give others is the example of making the most
of my life.

I am the right person in the best place at the best time, engaged in
the most important activity in the best way.

I am now taking the best action to fulfill my ultimate purpose.

I make my own decisions for I am rooted in the soil of good judgment.

My good comes from everywhere and everyone.

I have faith, hope and trust in abundance.

I dare to be myself. The truth of my own being is stronger than any
experience, idea, or thing.

The success power of Jesus Christ guides me and makes all things right.

Life is good and I am blessed beyond all measure.

I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My yoke is easy
and my burden is light. I now face the world free, strong and unafraid.

Abundance is my natural state of being. I accept it now.

I am rich and free as I was created to be.

I joyfully and thankfully give and receive abundance.

I am a child of God and as important as any other living thing. I
receive all of God's blessings now.

I am connected to my God and am more in touch with my spiritual
information, for I am walking in His light.

I am in harmony with all of God's creation, for all of my thoughts and
actions are grounded in love, compassion and respect.

I am nurtured and fulfilled, my entire being is balanced, vital, and

I am now enjoying the best life has to offer.

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